June 21, 2013

19 Kids That Are Total Bad @sses


  1. Parents of cigarette baby should be arrested for something.

    1. For staging a photograph? People like you should be arrested for being wound too tight. lighten up, the kid wasn't smoking or drinking. People like you, Anonymous, are what is destroying America. You want the parents arrested for "something"? Do you realize how asinine that statement is?

    2. Yes, they should be arrested. For being hilarious beyond lawfully possible!! Toooooo damn funny!!!!! LOVE IT!!

    3. So the child less than two feet from an alligator which is staged is not an issue for you, but the kid in the cigarette and beer staged photo is? Nice to know your limits. Lighten the hell up.

    4. OK, maybe it wasn't "right" to have an UNLIT cigarette in the kid's mouth and staging the photo near a beer, but there is nothing illegal about it... Take a pill, Dude.... I find the ones with the kids who are all buffed out like body builders to be far more disturbing....

    5. More than one of those "buff" kids look like a kid's head photoshopped onto an adult body. The hands, particularly, don't look like children's hands. The skin tone between and the head and body of that one on the high bar don't even match. (This is my brain not wanting to believe parents would really let their kids do that to themselves at such a young age!)

    6. i see no problem with kids lookin like that, all buff n shit, i was one of those kids, my parents didn't "do that to me"... it's just how i developed, and stayed that way till this day, tho i'm not as big the shape is still there... some of us are just like that.

    7. I'm pretty sure that's not photo-shopped. I think that's Giuliano Stroe. His dad got him into bodybuilding when he was really young. He's won a bunch of competitions. You can YouTube him.

    8. jim beam is not beer.

    9. The buff kid is real. I've seen videos on him. Google "muscle kid".

    10. I agree with all of you, that are giving the uptight idiot, some hell about his comment on hillarious pic of the baby with the cig and Jim Beam. Dude or Dudette, STFU and have a drink!! IT'S FUNNY you Effing Retard!! Geez.

  2. Its not lit......get over it

  3. #17 is a band called "Unlocking The Truth". And, yes, they are bad ass rock and roller kids. You can find them on FB and Youtube. Nice to see they made the cut here.

    1. Awesome! Will check it out!

    2. Not "rock and roller kids", heavy metal kids. Which means they rock even more!

      Get it right.

  4. mostly jerky kids

  5. they are just kids, dont be so negative about them. maybe one of the boys working out will kick yer butt

  6. The parents of the kid with the mullet should be investigated for neglect. How sad. LOL

    1. UUHHMMM no. Because the kid has a long stupid mullet.

    2. Remember John the title of this page is "SARCASM"

  7. Dear john, stop being so up tight about comments. Yes, some one made a joke about parenting. Calm down. Deep breaths, do it with me. *inhale* hold it... hold it... *exhale* ahhhh now isn't that so much better?

    1. Yes... I agree it's called the internet ..everyone has a right to their own opinion.. and they are allowed to state that opinion. Without someone else jumping all over them or cursing them out or calling them names .Some of the very people on here telling people to lighten up ...are the ones who need to lighten up.Just because someone states something that you don't agree with doesn't give you the right to insult them!!Geez

  8. The muscley kids are definitely the most disturbing pics here...lol...

    1. I think I saw on a special somewhere that its a genetic disorder that naturally makes them REALLY buff. And if this kid works out on top of it... well thenhe can kick ALL ya'll's a**es! ;) hehe I swear I think my brother had it, he could climb walls. Its called pseudohypertrophy.

  9. My daughter loves working out - shes not even 3!! She isn't buff but shes strong and I hope my son is the same way. Fitness isn't disturbing. Laziness is.

  10. I need to get a shot of it but I have a pic that may be worthy of posting to this!

  11. Kid with the gator seems to be shaping up to be the next Irwin... Look ova there... that there be a gator... can bite my head off no problem.... I'm gonna poke em with a stick!

  12. kids shoulod not do body building. that's dangerous for their health. sick parents.
